How to put a bike chain pin back in.

Putting a bike chain pin back in the chain can be near impossible. The reason for this is that the pins are ever so slightly larger than the holes they go in. This can lead to hours of frustration in trying to hold the pin in place so the chain tool can push it back in. For those seeking help, I have devised a method.
Superglue! Apply a very light film of super glue to one peg. Hold the pin in its position over the link’s hole for at least 30sec.

You should now have the pin frozen in place. Don’t worry about the superglue, as if you have applied a VERY light amount, the chain tool will break past the hold and the glue won’t get on the inside of the link.

Once in, you can now proceed with pushing the pin back in with the chain tool.

An that’s it, make sure the pin is centered and you’re good to go!