You do, trust me.
Shortly after the recent attack on Israel which took place on Oct. 7th 2023 I wrote something about the conflict (which I will include in full at the end of the article). 6 days later to be exact. And its general point was “It becomes an issue when “Israel has a right to defend itself” becomes mass slaughter and destruction with zero push-back”. The point of prefacing this article with that is to emphasize how just 6 days into Israel’s war, I already could see where things were heading. Now, 6 months later more needs to be said.
There are many places to start on this issue. And as someone whose only real tie to the conflict is my Jewish first name, I make no proclamation to be a professional here… other than an attempt to make salient, simple, irrefutable points which might help clear perspective on the issue. As many of you can tell, this issue is mired in talking points so I promise to try to avoid conjecture, speculation, or anything else that could leave room to discount what is said.
The origin of the issue is pretty clear cut, and I would urge readers to not let themselves be pulled away from the core of it with points which are outright made up.
For example, you might hear reasoning for Israel’s whole existence get hinged on the idea that “Palestine was the only place in which Jews…